Church School
‘Be strong and courageous; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go’ (Joshua 1:9).
When Joshua became leader of the Israelites and took over from Moses; he had big shoes to fill. Joshua became a leader with huge challenges to overcome. God gave Joshua instruction and advice which led him to success. Our community at Leadenham CE Primary Academy believes in the advice that was given to Joshua and has adopted it as our own vision to develop belief and achievement for ourselves and our community.
At Leadenham we want to grow young people who believe in themselves so they are confident and courageous and not discouraged from exploring their path. They are resilient when faced with challenge. We want our pupils to believe in each other and to feel supported; never alone on their journey.
Our pupils will have the strength of character to set themselves aspirational goals in learning and life. They will achieve their best and create their own inspirational story and memories.
At its root, resilience is recognition that life is sometimes difficult and painful, and that it is important not to give up in the face of adversity, but to have courage. In today’s busy and competitive society, we recognise the importance of building courage and resilience in our children to carry on when things get tough; courage to take calculated risks in their learning and to know that mistakes can help us learn in a deeper way.
Courage also enables children to have strategies to call upon when things are difficult on an emotional/social level in their lives. Resilience and perseverance are only possible where there is hope and that hope is based on the enduring nature of God’s love and faithfulness. This will help in our work of building confidence, independence and self-esteem in children through courage. Jesus had the courage to give his life for us; therefore, we must have the courage to stand up for others and what we believe in, courage to be ourselves and value difference.
Our school is one in which we take a great deal of pride. Our core beliefs centre on providing a happy, safe, secure and supportive learning environment where all children are able to fulfil their potential.
We believe passionately in allowing children to explore and investigate, nurturing creativity and providing challenge for all pupils. We focus on equipping pupils with the skills, knowledge and understanding to become positive citizens of the future and enabling them to inspire others.
We have embedded an inclusive culture of learning where all children will be challenged in their thinking, to achieve to the best of their abilities and strive to become lifelong learners.
We empower our children to become respected citizens to enable them to make valuable contributions locally, globally and to contribute to our world’s sustainable future.
The School aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all its pupils.
A daily act of worship is conducted and a special celebration assembly happens on Fridays where the school community comes together to celebrate achievement and successes. Opportunities for reflection, hymns, prayers and stories are included and enjoyed by all.
As a Church of England School we aim to treat every pupil as unique in the sight of God; to create an atmosphere of serving Christ in others; and to provide a Christian environment for every pupil including opportunities to worship together.
Head teacher weekly reflection and prayer:
'We thank you Lord
For all the riches of autumn:
bronze leaves,
silver spider’s webs,
golden harvest.'
Lion Book of 1000 Prayers
The aims of Religious Education in Church Schools are:
To enable pupils to encounter Christianity as the religion that shaped British culture and heritage and influences the lives of millions of people today
To enable pupils to learn about the other major religions, their impact on culture and politics, art and history, and on the lives of their adherents
To develop understanding of religious faith as the search for and expression of truth
To contribute to the development of pupils’ own spiritual / philosophical convictions, exploring and enriching their own faith and beliefs
The outcomes for pupils at the end of their education in church schools are that they are able to:
Think theologically and explore ultimate questions
Reflect critically on the truth claims of Christian belief
Develop the skills to analyse, interpret and apply the Bible text
Recognise that faith is a particular way of understanding and responding to God and the world
Analyse and explain the varied nature and traditions of the Christian community
Make a well informed response to Christianity
Respect those of all faiths in their search for God
Reflect critically on areas of shared belief and practice between different faiths